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Our Story

Watermelon English's journey is a story of love, learning, and a shared mission to transform education. It began when our founders, a married couple who met while teaching at a private school in Ho Chi Minh City, decided to chase a shared dream fueled by their passion for knowledge. This wasn't just about teaching English; it was about creating a space where students could excel beyond traditional boundaries and embrace "breaking free from the ordinary." Their vision, cultivated over five years of collective teaching, research, and learning, evolved into Watermelon English—a place where innovative teaching methods and a nurturing learning environment converge to unlock students' full potential.

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Our story continues...

Driven by a belief in the transformative power of education, our founders embarked on this journey with a clear goal: to not only teach English but to instill a lifelong love for learning in our students. With 17 years of combined experience, they recognized the need for an educational approach that goes beyond conventional curricula, focusing on fostering emotional intelligence, compassion, and essential life skills alongside language proficiency. Watermelon English is about quality, offering personalized attention to talented cultivate, well-rounded individuals ready to succeed in a global landscape.

Our ambition extends far beyond the classroom walls, aiming to make a positive impact on the wider community and inspire the next generation to achieve greatness. At Watermelon English, we believe in nurturing not just learners, but future leaders equipped with the skills to thrive and effective change.

Choose Watermelon English, and choose to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, shaping not only your future but also the world around you.

Meet The Founders - Teachers

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